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​Original Compositions

Background Music for Microcinema

BGM 1: Relaxing Day

BGM 2: Sad Memory

BGM 3: Scary Truth

BGM tracks for SHE SHE (Indie Movie)

BGM tracks for 些些

(Indie Movie)

BGM 1: Beginning

BGM 2: Enigma and Resolution

BGM 3: Towards a Better Life

BGM 4: Time Travel

BGM 5: Misunderstanding

Algorithmic Music

Instruction: Copy the code to a .txt file and then change the extension to .maxpat. Then open it with Cycling '74 Max.

Original Concept

This piece of music is slightly different every time it replays.

The velocities and the pitches of the musical instruments are controlled by counters and random number generators, creating a dramatic dynamics in the piece.

New Version after the Discussion with Prof. Keyes

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